Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bullying Prevention Speech

             One person, not able to face their day because of the fear that controls their body, all from the top problem in schools today; Bullying. Bullying is repeated, unwanted, behavior, and the bully has a factor that over powers the person being bullied. Imagine everyday of your life when you wake up in the morning and think to yourself will I make it through school today? Or Do I have to go to school today? Many students go through the awful torturing of bullying everyday all around the country. Would you want to wake up every single morning worried that some one is going to hurt you mentally or physically? If you see bullying then you should tell a teacher, your parents, a guidance counselor, a principal, or another trustful adult. Just because you don't see bullying doesn't mean it isn't actually happening around you. Bullying has gotten so severe that people are dying because of this serious issue. Around thirteen  million five to seventeen year olds have taken away their own lives and have committed suicide because they couldn't handle bullying anymore. Seventeen year  old Eric Mohat killed himself because a bully said to him, "Why don't you just go home and shoot yourself, no one will miss you." And that is exactly what he did. Just think about if someone said that to you. How would you feel? Bullying does't just happen in person but also because technology has advanced so much it is happening online. On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblur, and other Social Networking sites bullying happens all the time. Teens and children try to have all the cool new things, and dress cool, and try to be popular but really we should just all be our selves because that's the best person we can be. Our country has started the process to stop bullying but we definitely have a long road ahead of us and many more challenges to face. Should people have to suffer everyday? Do you want to be accepted?

By: Nicole P.


  1. Very strong speech, and very strong voice when you delivered the speech, Nicole. It seems like the whole blogging group wrote about bullying prevention. It's surprising how someone will shoot themself just because someone tells them to.

  2. I agree with Nick that you delivered a very strong speech. I agree that it is sad that someone would take their own life over words said to them. My question is over what span of time (5 years, 10 years, etc.) did 13 million, five to 17 year olds take their lives due bullying? were these deaths only in the USA or worldwide? It was great to hear and read your views on bullying.
